Picture of the week

Picture of the week

Friday, May 21, 2010

First trip to Ezemvelo

(7b or 7b+)
(7b or 7b+)
(hard ass 7c+)
(Dyno 6c+)
(not to sure think 6c)


(Sorry the photos are taken with my phone so they not the best)

Ya Im in abit of a bouldering phase at the moment but that's ok. its good to get super strong first at individual moves and then take your strength and add some endurance to it later.

So being in this phase a good friend Alex and myself decided to head off to Ezemvelo for a 3 day bouldering trip. We were psyched and ready to tear down the place and we didnt really care that the campsite basicaly had nothing their yet. We ready to crank hard no matter what obstacles were in our way.

So seeing as we had never been to Ezemvelo before we met up with some of the guys who had started building the campsite and who basicaly stared up Ezemvelo bouldering. They kindly showed us around and we got to lend the new route guide.(talk to schalk if anyone wants to buy one they are awesome!).

That late afternoon Alex, my bro Warrick(came out for the one day only) and I went bouldering at Ezemvelo for the first time ever. It was amazing! We tried this boulder called animal planet (7c) i think. It was such an amazing climb under this roof.

After Warrick had graced us with his awesome presence and then departed we had supper and then we had our first night bouldering session with bad gas lamps. Its very different I have to say. I think it takes some getting used to. we climbed some easy stuff first up, juggles (6b+) and wild shrooms (6c) then I tried the albatross and I couldn't figure out the beta so I got spanked on that route (7a+) . We moved on to Dragons and shrooms (7a+) which I nearly flashed but i didnt take a torch with me so i couldn't see any holds on the top out. Anyway I learnt and got it second time.

I must say that the campsite is actually really awesome and big ups to Schalk and all the others who have put in alot of effort. Its really great.

That week Alex and I opened and repeated some amazing lines. some of which pictures are below. Alex took the most amazing bail from about 5m high he dynoed couldn't stick it and landed on his head, it was epic! He shook off the bail and stuck 7 biatchs (7a+) next go, amazing. That morning i was super happy as I had climbed well what I believe is my first 8a (legends of tuesday) seeing it was tuesday and we were legends for camping their when all our friends ditched us. I hope that line sees some repeats cause its awesome and i want some consensus on the grade seeing I really suck at grading things!

So I really encourage everybody even if bouldering isn't your forte to go to Ezemvelo. It's simply amazing!

Wes b


  1. awesome post, but we wanna c u on the rock wes and some of alex falling on his head:P But ya, i wish we could have joined you, the only problem is, unlike you we have to study because it's exams, but after we go to the dome the first week of hols i'm up 4 a trip to ezo if u are and i also wanna hit boven and choss! But anyways, nice post(we want photos of in the action things) and happy to read some more!!! If you on facebook, join my cause "CONSERVATION OF CHALK"! hehe:)eT

  2. Great stuff Wes - I'm posting to the group. Funnily enough, I agree with the ET, would be good to see pics of you and Alex climbing :-)
